Beautiful, sweet, caring, sensitive
Sibling of Daniel, Emmanuel, Billy
Lover of daughter, boyfriend, father
Who feels happiness, hurt, love
Who needs love, food, attention
Who gives love, time, attention
Who fears death, violence, kidnapper
Who would like to see Jamaica, my own house, my future
Resident of Dorchester
Funny, chef, gardener
Sibling of Hai
Lover of my mother, money, watching movies
Who feels nervous when my car breaks down,
Tired when I don't eat enough
Happy when my mother feels well.
Who gives time to my family, energy to make a difference
Who fears fire, war, divorce
Who needs help, good health to stay alive
Who would like to see my brother and sister in Vietnam,
enough food to feed the hungry
Resident of Quincy
Old but young at heart,
Hard working
Vincent, Timothy, Deloris, Ina
Education, Discipline, Honesty.
Pain, Sadness, Happiness
Wealth, Kindness, Good job.
Love, Friendship, Understanding
Sickness, Heights, Being Ignored.
Better World, Government, Equal Justice.
181 Norfolk St. Dorchester.