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Welcome to the Student Lounge.

We, at NDEC, are very proud of the accomplishments of our students and so, wish to share them with you. The contents on this page have been written and designed by the current students of NDEC. We hope you enjoy their work.


Christina Torres

Minh Tran

Lukel Graham

Beautiful, sweet, caring, sensitive
Sibling of Daniel, Emmanuel, Billy
Lover of daughter, boyfriend, father

Who feels happiness, hurt, love
Who needs love, food, attention
Who gives love, time, attention
Who fears death, violence, kidnapper

Who would like to see Jamaica, my own house, my future
Resident of Dorchester



Funny, chef, gardener
Sibling of Hai
Lover of my mother, money, watching movies
Who feels nervous when my car breaks down,
Tired when I don't eat enough
Happy when my mother feels well.
Who gives time to my family, energy to make a difference
Who fears fire, war, divorce
Who needs help, good health to stay alive
Who would like to see my brother and sister in Vietnam,
enough food to feed the hungry
Resident of Quincy










Old but young at heart,
Hard working

Vincent, Timothy, Deloris, Ina
Education, Discipline, Honesty.

Pain, Sadness, Happiness
Wealth, Kindness, Good job.

Love, Friendship, Understanding
Sickness, Heights, Being Ignored.

Better World, Government, Equal Justice.
181 Norfolk St. Dorchester.


Anna Winek-Leliwa


If I could be another form of life, what would I choose?

Louise McDonald
I would love to be a bird - a golden eagle to be exact. I'd love to be able to spread my wings and fly, just soar right up into the clouds and look down at life, smell the fresh air and let my wings carry me wherever.
An eagle is a bird of prey. It has broad wings and a hooked bill. An eagle is a strong and powerful bird with fighter instincts and I admire that, which is why I'd choose to be a golden eagle.

What is your greatest accomplishment so far in life?

Michael Anzalone
So far in my life the best accomplishment is coming back to school. Within four months, I jumped from ABE2 and Pre-GED to GED. I thought that it would take at least two years, but with luck I'll probably be done this year. I have worked so hard at getting my GED. I could not have gotten this far however, without the help of all my teachers ar NDEC: Wendy, Catherine and Trish. When I get my GED and get a job, I will never forget the teachers who have helped me.

What miracle would you like God to perform today?

Maria DePina
The miracle I would like God to perform for me today is to bring my nephew back. He died last August. He was only nineteen years old. Somebody killed him on my son's birthday. They shot him dead!
My son came home crying, "Mom, you know what happened? They killed my best cousin on my birthday! Why?" I didn't know what to say and I started to cry.
I will never forget August 18, 2000. Since then I have been in prayer asking God to help the whole family.

The Best School I've Attended

Michael Wong
The best school I've attended is NDEC. NDEC is a big family. I am a member of this family.
The teachers are very excellent. Sister Marian was my first English teacher. She taught me basic English so I can speak a little bit of English. For the second year, Sister Maureen was my teacher. She said, "Don't give up. Keep going!" On the final exam, I was very happy to get a good score. Catherine was my Pre-GED teacher. She was a very professional teacher. I learned the easy way to read and write.
Now I like the computer class. Trish is my teacher and she is very funny. I can use the computer to type, do office work and go on the Internet.
On Mondays, I have a tutor, John Lin. He helps me learn more about pronunciation and reading.
Students are very friendly. We come from different countries. For example, Haiti, Jamaica, Poland, Vietnam, and China. There are different customs, cultures and religions, but we are happy together. We speak in English about family, work, and hobbies.
I am happy to be a student at NDEC. I have studied here for about four years. NDEC provides a good study environment, so I usually recommend NDEC to some friends that want to learn English. I like NDEC.


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