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At Notre Dame Education Center we welcome your donation to continue the support of our work in providing services to adults in need of initiating or furthering their education. 

How You Can Help:

  • The Vision Fund - donations fund new initiatives and ensure the continuation of existing programs.  These funds are unrestricted.
  • Sr. Sue Murphy, SND Fund - in memory of Sr. Sue who was the guidance counselor at Cardinal Cushing High School from 1968 - 1992, and Coordinator of the ESOL department at NDEC from 1992 until 2000. She died on May 1, 2001. The NDEC ESOL Office is dedicated to her.

  • Sr. Mary Catherine Sullivan, SND Teacher Training Fund - in memory of Sr. Mary Catherine, this fund helps fund the new teachers who join us each year through Notre Dame AmeriCorps.
  • Darryln Danahy Hope Fund - Darryln was a four year volunteer at NDEC. Her family set up this fund in her memory after her untimely death in October, 2000. The NDEC Tutoring Center is named in her honor.


Here’s an idea of what your gift can do:


1 ESOL Student for 1-10 week cycle course

 $         120

1 ESOL Student for 1course for the year

 $         360

1 Alternative High School Academic Diploma

student for 1 year.

 $      1,200

Sponsor 1 Notre Dame AmeriCorps Volunteer

 $      5,200

for 1 year of service




If you would like to give a gift by mail please send your check to:


Notre Dame Education Center (NDEC)

Attn. Anne M. Metrick

50 West Broadway

South Boston, MA 02127-1016


We also accept credit cards:

VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS by phone.  Please contact: Sr. Eileen Finnigan SND at 617-268-1912 x 256




Thank you for supporting our work! 

NDEC is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Gifts are fully tax-deductible to the extent of the law.


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