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Notre Dame AmeriCorps is a national service program where members work to empower the economically disadvantaged and oppressed through education and personal hands-on support. Through this work, members gain a greater understanding of and compassion for the people they serve while gaining professional experience and leadership skills.

Members are placed at various sites throughout the United States including:

  • Apopka, FL
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Boston, MA
  • Lawrence, MA
  • Lowell, MA
  • Hartford, CT
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • San Francisco, CA
  • Washington, DC
  • New Mexico
Sr. Virginia Mulhern, SND
Site Director

Sr. Virginia, Site Director for Notre Dame AmeriCorps for the past five years, believes NDA volunteers learn much from the students at NDEC because of the diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and circumstances. "The desire of the students to improve their lot provides inspiration and challenge to the NDA volunteers".

Natalie Cartwright
Assistant to the Director

Natalie is a native of Montana who came to Boston and NDEC as a member of Notre Dame Americorps. Natalie has taught ABE, Pre-Diploma, EDP and computer classes. In addition to her position as Assistant Director, Natalie is now a staff member of NDEC, teaching EDP.


Meet NDEC's AmeriCorps Members

James Bretta
Jim is a first year Americorps Volunteer, but no stranger to NDEC. For years previous to becoming a member of NDA, Jim taught US History in the Diploma Program at NDEC.

For more information about Jim, visit the Diploma Program page.

Catherine Wegmann
Meet Catherine Wegmann. She comes from the great state of Iowa ("God's Country"). After graduating from Loras College, Catherine became an Americorps Volunteer. This is her second year of service at NDEC.
"For the first time in my life, I'm in a job that I LOVE! I feel extremely blessed to interact with our mulitgenerational, multiethnic student population. NDEC is truly a place of hope where students and staff learn together. Everyday I am inspired by our students as they overcome the many challenges in their lives to further their education. I am the better person for having taken part in their learning endeavors."

Wendy Clark
A graduate of George Fox University, Wendy grew up on an island in Puget Sound near Seattle, Washington. Wendy is a first year Notre Dame Mission Volunteer serving at NDEC.
"I work in the Literacy Department as an Adult Basic Education Level 2 teacher," Wendy explains. "It is awesome to be a part of a group dedicating their lives to educating people of all different backgrounds, nations, and colors. The diversity of the students makes NDEC a healthy place.
I love the camaraderie that a class develops with each other despite their various backgrounds. I teach students ranging in age from 16-50. They come from Cape Verde, Jamaica, Vietnam, Haiti and South Boston and they all get along. NDEC is an uplifting and inspirational place to work."

Rebekah Knapp
Hi! I'm Rebekah. I moved to Boston in September, 2000 - three days before starting my work at NDEC. Talk about a leap of faith!

In June, 2000, Rebekah graduated from Western Washington University in Washington State. After graduating, Rebekah knew two things: 1. she wanted to help people and 2.she wanted to get out of the Pacific Northwest. So... she started her quest for a job which she could find fulfilling and in a location she could learn from.

"While surfing the Web, I happened across the Americorps web page. Based on the information I received and the openness of the Sisters, I applied, interviewed and moved across the country all in nine short days!

My work at NDEC has been both rewarding and challenging. I am able to touch lives while mine is being altered forever in ways I would never have imagined. The courage and determination of the students here inspires me. The dedication of the staff is extremely supportive. To sum it up: working at NDEC is a character-building experience.

"Pay it Forward" as an AmeriCorps Volunteer.

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